We invest for the future

In Europe’s leading quality companies and the world’s best environmental companies.


Pioneers in ethical and environmental investments. 

Welcome to CB Fonder, we are a family- and partners-owned securities company. We have been operating under an ethical framework for over 25 years and in environmental investments for over 15 years. We offer both private and institutional investors our investment management through the European fund CB European Quality Fund and the global environmental fund CB Save Earth Fund.

CB European Quality Fund

Europe’s leading quality companies.

Performance, EUR, 2024-10-23

Share classMTDYTDAnnualized Return*

CB Save Earth Fund

The world’s best environmental companies.

Performance, EUR, 2024-10-23

Share classMTDYTDAnnualized Return*

*Annual return since inception, CB European Quality Fund, November 1995, CB Save Earth Fund, June 2008. **Dividend 6% of NAV per year.
See our Swedish page for performance development in SEK.
Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The money you invest in funds can both increase and decrease in value, and it is not guaranteed that you will receive back the entire invested capital.

Exemples of investment areas

CB European Quality Fund

Energy efficiency has a strong growth as large parts of the world are transitioning to greener and more efficient energy utilization to reduce their carbon footprint.

Energy efficiency

With increased digitalization, it's possible to streamline all sectors. This leads to higher productivity and better resource utilization


A generally rising standard of living worldwide combined with an increasingly aging population is something that creates an increased need for healthcare.

Health care

CB Save Earth Fund

Water pollution, water scarcity, and climate change are creating an increased demand for water, which is the world's most vital natural resource.

Water Management

Manufacturing and consumption have effects on the environment, and through new technology, one can reduce the negative impact. Environmental technology improves and cleans the environment.


The energy sector is currently undergoing a paradigm shift where new energy sources are taking over the leading role from finite natural resources.

Renewable Energy

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Futur Pension

Let the experts do the work

We are a dedicated team with more than 10 years of experience in jointly managing CB Save Earth Fund and CB European Quality Fund. We are a small management team with short decision-making processes, and all decisions are made collectively.

CB Fonder is a family- and partner-owned securities company with over two decades of experience in ethical investments and over 15 years of experience in environmental investments. The fund managers are partners in the company and invested in the funds – we have full incentives to do a good job and are in the same boat as you as investor.

Carl Bernadotte

Majority Owner & Portfolio Manager

Marcus Grimfors

Partner & Portfolio Manager

Alexander Jansson

CEO, Partner & Portfolio Manager

How we work

Our passion for environmental and ethical investments is part of every decision we make. We have operated under an ethical framework for over 25 years and have been involved in environmental investments for over 15 years. This has established us as pioneers in environmental and ethical investing. We invest long-term in high-quality growth companies with sustainable business models and stable profit growth.


We are independent, chart our own course, and always make our own active investment decisions that are independent of the index.


We invest in quality companies, according to ethical guidelines and frameworks for sustainable investments from UN PRI and SWESIF.


We invest long-term in companies with future potential. If the companies we’ve invested in deliver according to plan, then they stay in our portfolio.

Environmental & Ethical Focus

We signed the United Nations Principles for Sustainable Investment in February 2011.

Both funds are working towards the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

We are members of SWESIF, Sweden’s forum for sustainable investments.