Alexander Jansson in Dagens Industri

Alexander Jansson in Dagens Industri

CB Fonder’s portfolio manager, partner and CEO Alexander Jansson has been interviewed by Dagens Industri. Read the interview here. (In Swedish) All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB FonderStrandvägen 5BSE-114 51 StockholmSWEDEN...
Now is the CB European Quality Fund available on Fondo.

Fondo writes about CB Save Earth Fund

Fondo has conducted an interview with our manager, partner, and CEO Alexander Jansson, focusing on our fund CB Save Earth Fund. Read the interview here. All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB FonderStrandvägen 5BSE-114 51 StockholmSWEDEN...
Interview with

Interview with

Placera’s Pär Ståhl has met with CB Fund’s Carl Bernadotte and Alexander Jansson, who, along with Marcus Grimfors, manage the CB European Quality Fund.Read Placera’s interview here. All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB...