Pioneers in ethical and

environmental investments.

Pioneers in ethical and environmental investments.

Environmental and ethical considerations are high priorities in CB Fonder’s investment process. For over 25 years, we have been working with investments within an ethical framework and focusing on environmental investments for over 15 years. This extensive experience has made us pioneers in environmental and ethical investments. Our investment strategy focuses on high-quality growth companies with sustainable business models and stable earnings growth.

CB Fonder does not invest in companies that generate 5% or more from production of tobacco and/or alcohol, weapons manufacturing, gambling and/or pornography. In addition, CB Fonder does not invest in companies that violate international conventions according to the UN Global Compact and guidelines for the environment, human rights, labor rights, and non-conventional weapons established by the OECD. For example, we do not invest in companies involved in nuclear weapons, landmines, and/or cluster munitions. If a company violates any of the above guidelines and no preventive action is taken by the company, we exclude the company. See our Exclusion List and Sustainability Policy.

Both CB Save Earth Fund and CB European Quality Fund are linked to the SWESIF Sustainability Profile and exclude all controversial products and services mentioned by SWESIF. Continuous screening of both funds for ESG issues is conducted using MSCI ESG Research. CB Save Earth Fund and CB European Quality Fund have received the second-highest ESG rating from MSCI, as well as the highest and second-highest rating from Morningstar, respectively.

Sustainable Investment Objective

Both CB European Quality Fund and CB Save Earth Fund are Article 9 funds. An Article 9 fund is a specific category of sustainable funds according to the EU’s SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation). Article 9 funds are the most ambitious when it comes to sustainability criteria. These funds have a clear sustainability focus and aim to make a positive impact on the environment and/or society.

To be classified as an Article 9 fund, the fund must meet the following criteria according to SFDR:

1. The fund’s main objective is to promote environmental or social characteristics.
2. The fund’s investments must be designed to achieve these sustainability objectives.
3. The fund’s performance is measured based on its contribution to achieving the specified sustainability goals.

Article 9 funds are thus focused on making a positive difference for sustainability issues and promoting a more sustainable and responsible investment practice.

It is important to note that regulations regarding sustainable investments may vary depending on the jurisdiction and that investors should conduct their own research or consult financial advisors to understand how different types of funds and regulations affect their investments

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel

CB Save Earth Fund was one of the world’s first funds to receive the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in 2017. It remains among the few funds with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

It was among the first funds to meet the new, stricter sustainability requirements for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in 2022. These requirements include, among other thing, the exclusion of unsustainable industries and an investment of at least 70 percent in sustainable companies.

The fund avoids investments in fossil fuels, companies involved in human rights violations, and producers of controversial weapons and tobacco products. The fund’s transparency includes quarterly disclosure of holdings and annual reporting on the top 10 holdings and their sustainability efforts.

Learn more about the Nordic Swan Ecolabel here.


MSCI’s own ESG fund ratings are designed to enhance transparency and understanding of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) characteristics in investors’ portfolios.

Both CB Save Earth Fund and CB European Quality Fund have an MSCI rating of AA, meaning they are invested in companies that tend to demonstrate strong and/or improving financial or management-related ESG issues. These companies may be more resilient to disruptions arising from ESG events. Funds with ratings of AA-AAA are considered ESG leaders.

Read more about the MSCI ESG ratings for each fund:

CB European Quality Fund
CB Save Earth Fund


In February 2011, CB Fonder joined the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). These principles entail that we commit to integrate environmental, social, and governance aspects into our investment analysis and decision making. We also commit to promote the principles within the investment industry and collaborating with other stakeholders to enhance the implementation of the principles, as well as annual reporting of our actions and progress as asset managers.

Read the Transparency report here.

Read more about UN PRI here.


CB Fonder is a member of SWESIF, Sweden’s forum for sustainable investments, which promotes sustainable and responsible investments. SWESIF serves as a platform for knowledge exchange and networking around investments that consider social, environmental, and ethical factors.

The association aims to increase awareness of sustainable investments, contribute to relevant statistics, and be a voice in EU legislation through membership in Eurosif. SWESIF has created the Sustainability Profile to increase transparency and comparability regarding funds’ sustainability efforts. Learn more about the Sustainability Profile here.

Read the Sustainability Profile for each fund:

CB European Quality Fund
CB Save Earth Fund

UN:s Sustainable Development Goals

CB Fonder is committed to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), initiated by the United Nations. We see the SDG’s as a useful guideline for sustainable investments with their concrete goals and underlying directions.

CB Save Earth Fund specifically focuses on three of the SDGs – Goal 6 (Clean water and sanitation), Goal 7 (Affordable and clean energy), and Goal 13 (Climate action) – by investing in three growth and megatrends: water management, cleantech, and renewable energy.

Most holdings in CB Save Earth Fund and all holdings in CB European Quality Fund, actively work towards one or more of these goals. For more information, please see the quarterly reports.

Data sources and processing: The portfolio managers monitor all holdings daily through MSCI ESG-screening reports, News feeds, Bloomberg, Infront, Relationships with other investors, Contact with brokers and through Ongoing dialouges with companies. These data sources are also used in sustainability analysis, where MSCI provides a significant portion of ESG data through its comprehensive ESG Research platform. Additionally, relevant information is collected from companies’ sustainability reports, financial reports, and websites. CB Fonder primarily aim to use actual data and secondarily to use estimated data from companies or providers.

Limitations to methodologies and data: A significant portion of the information that forms the basis of sustainability analyses is sourced from the companies themselves or through our data providers mentioned above. Limitations in the collected data include a lack of reporting and updates from the companies, reliance on estimations, and discrepancies in calculations across different firms.