Now, the CB Save Earth Fund is available on Nordnet in Norway. You can find the fund here. Previously, the CB Save Earth Fund has been available on Nordnet in Finland and Sweden. All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB FonderStrandvägen...
Pär Ståhl at has taken the opportunity to review his fund choices in his occupational pension, following the strong stock market performance so far this year. The last fund switches he made were on August 19 last year, a period that was marked by a strong...
Placera’s Pär Ståhl has written a fund analysis about CB Save Earth Fund. Pär Ståhl highlights CB Save Earth Fund as an environmental fund with unusually strong risk-adjusted returns. Read the fund analysis at Placera here. (In Swedish) All news Funds CB...
CB Save Earth Fund is now available at Nordnet in Finland. You will find the fund here. All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB FonderStrandvägen 5BSE-114 51 StockholmSWEDEN (0)8 566 133 10 Responsible for the handling...
Alexander is interviewed by DiTV. Watch it here. (In Swedish) All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB FonderStrandvägen 5BSE-114 51 StockholmSWEDEN (0)8 566 133 10 Responsible for the handling of complaints:Alexander...