InvesteraMera: The Pearls of Europe

InvesteraMera: The Pearls of Europe

Now you can watch Albin Kjellberg’s interview with our fund manager, partner, and CEO Alexander Jansson. In the interview, Alexander answers what he finds most enjoyable about asset management, what is most important when searching for stocks, and what lies...
Interview in Dagens Industri

Interview in Dagens Industri

Read the interview here. (In Swedish). All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB FonderStrandvägen 5BSE-114 51 StockholmSWEDEN (0)8 566 133 10 Responsible for the handling of complaints:Alexander Jansson Follow us...
Interview in Privata Affärer

Interview in Privata Affärer

Read Privata Affärer’s interview with CB Fonder’s portfolio manager, partner and CEO Alexander Jansson here. (In Swedish). All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB FonderStrandvägen 5BSE-114 51 StockholmSWEDEN...