Our fund manager, CEO, and partner Alexander Jansson recently appeared on Helene Rothstein’s popular podcast Ett rikare liv. In this episode, Alexander discusses Europe’s economic challenges and opportunities, as well as how his investment philosophy...
Affärsvärlden/Placera recently interviewed Alexander Jansson, CEO and fund manager at CB Fonder, where he shared insights about the CB Save Earth Fund and its current primary focus on water management—one of the key areas of the environmental fund today with...
This morning, our fund manager, CEO, and partner Alexander Jansson joined DiTV Börsmorgon to discuss three highly topical subjects: the comparison between Europe and the USA, Northvolt’s financial situation, and inflation. Europe vs. USAThe debate on Europe vs. USA...
NordSIP has conducted a review covering 53 globally actively managed Article 9 funds. These include 14 Nordic equity funds, 11 fixed-income funds, and 28 international funds, divided between public and private asset strategies. The report highlights the ongoing impact...
Alexander Jansson in Börsmorgon. Our fund manager, CEO, and partner, Alexander Jansson, appeared this morning on Börsmorgon alongside hosts Nike Mekibes and Fredrik Lennander, as well as Nordea’s analyst Martin Björsell. During the episode, Alexander commented...