Summer is starting to come to an end, and Placera’s fund editor Pär Ståhl has reviewed his fund selections in the occupational pension portfolio. He has chosen to keep the CB Save Earth Fund. Read more here.(In Swedish). All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB...
The interest is high in making green investments, but how should the climate-smart saver think? How does one invest sustainably and climate-smart? There are many pitfalls when it comes to investing in a climate-smart way. DN has listed the pitfalls to watch out for....
In this podcast episode with Johanna Kull and Nicklas Andersson, CB Fond’s Alexander Jansson is the guest. The theme of the episode is sustainability and how to become a winner in the sustainability trend. Many think of carbon emissions when sustainability is...
Seminar at CB Fonder with university lecturer Bengt Stridh on solar panel installation. Learn more on Sweden’s largest solar panel blog, which Bengt has been running for eight years here (in Swedish). Link to presentation slides can be found here. (In Swedish)....
A eventful year has come to an end, and a new one is on the horizon. Avanza/Placeras fund expert Pär Ståhl takes the opportunity to review the children’s fund selections and carry out a fund switch, by choosing to replace the Swedbank Robur Ny Teknik fund with...