Summer is starting to come to an end, and Placera’s fund editor Pär Ståhl has reviewed his fund selections in the occupational pension portfolio. He has chosen to keep the CB Save Earth Fund. Read more here.(In Swedish). All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB...
Avanza/Placera keeps invest in CB Save Earth Fund in the children portfolio. Read more here. All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB FonderStrandvägen 5BSE-114 51 StockholmSWEDEN (0)8 566 133...
What does it mean for a fund to have a deposit or redemption fee? In a letter to the Placera editorial team, a reader questioned the fees of CB Save Earth Fund, a fund recommended by Placera’s fund expert, Pär Ståhl, in his children’s savings portfolio....
New savings in environmental funds are increasing significantly – CB Save Earth Fund most popular at Avanza. Read more here. (In Swedish). All news Funds CB European Quality FundCB Save Earth Fund Contact CB FonderStrandvägen 5BSE-114 51 StockholmSWEDEN...
Placera’s fund expert Pär Ståhl recommends two worthwhile funds with environmental responsibility in his fund analysis. Many fund savers today want to invest in sustainability and the environment, two major and strong trends in the fund market. In response to...