Alexander Jansson guests on the RikaTillsammans podcast. Our portfolio manager, partner, and CEO, Alexander, recently participated in an episode of the RikaTillsammans podcast to discuss the differences between active and passive management.

Both the host, Jan Bolmeson, and our portfolio manager, partner, and CEO Alexander have extensive market experience and understand that there is no definitive answer as to which is better, active or passive management. The market is often efficient, but inefficiencies sometimes occur. Active management plays an important role in pricing, while passive management can be suitable for many investors. Jan and Alexander also discuss behavioral factors and other related topics.

You can listen to the podcast episode of episode 365 of RikaTillsammans wherever podcasts are available, for example, here. You can also watch the episode on the RikaTillsammans YouTube channel via this link.

All investments involve risk. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. The value of shares can both increase and decrease, and it is possible to lose the invested capital. This is not financial advice.